Getting Started

It's simple to get started using Relaybox. To gain access to our real-time services, let's begin by creating an account and your first application.

Sign up for a free account

Creating an application is an essential part of gaining access to Relaybox services. When you create an application, you will be able to assign API keys to various actions.

Click here to create your free account and let's get started!

Creating your first application

Applications form the backbone of services on Relaybox. Users will connect at the application level, and you will be able to control permissions and view metrics directly in the dashboard. Applications belong to organizations to assist with managing admin users and controlling access to API keys and metrics.

To create your first application, follow the steps below.

Step 1. Create an organization

Navigate to the dashboard and click "+ Create New Organization" at the top right of the screen.
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Step 2. Add an application

To create an application, click the "+ Create Application" button to open the new application dialog. Choose an application name and hit "+ Create Application" to continue.
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Step 3. Generate an API key

API keys provide access to Relaybox services. To attach an API key to your new application, navigate to the API Keys section and click "+ Create API Key" at the top right of the screen.
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From here, click "+ Create API Key" to open the dialog to create and assign permissions for your first application API key.
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Once you've created an API key, you're ready to connect your new application. To learn more about API keys and access controls, see the API keys and Access Controls sections.

What's next?

Now that we have an application ready, let's continue to the next section to learn more about installing the Relaybox packages and connecting to the real-time infrastructure services.

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