The purpose of this library is to enable seamless integration between your client-side applications and RelayBox's real-time services infrastructure.
To install the client library SDK, be sure to install npm your machine if you havn't already, then simply run:
npm install @relaybox/client
Once you have successfully installed the library, the following API reference applies.
RelayBox Class
Instantiate the Relaybox class to make an initial connection
const relayBox = new RelayBox();
class Relaybox {
constructor(opts: RelayBoxOptions);
connect(): Promise<void>;
readonly connection: EventEmitter;
clientId?: string | number;
connectionId: string | null;
quickConnect(): Promise<void>;
join(roomId: string): Promise<Room>;
disconnect(): void;
RelayBox class constructor options:
interface RelayBoxOptions {
apiKey?: string;
clientId?: number | string;
authEndpoint?: string;
authAction?: (params: any) => Promise<TokenResponse>;
authParams?: AuthParamsOrHeaders | null;
authHeaders?: AuthParamsOrHeaders | null;
authRequestOptions?: AuthRequestOptions;
authTokenLifeCycle?: AuthTokenLifeCycle;
type AuthParamsOrHeaders = Record<string, unknown> | (() => Record<string, unknown> | null);
interface AuthRequestOptions {
method?: 'GET' | 'POST';
mode?: 'cors' | 'navigate' | 'no-cors' | 'same-origin' | null;
credentials?: 'include' | 'omit' | 'same-origin' | null;
cache?: 'no-cache' | 'reload' | 'force-cache' | 'only-if-cached' | null;
redirect?: 'follow' | 'manual' | 'error' | null;
| 'no-referrer'
| 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
| 'origin'
| 'origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'same-origin'
| 'strict-origin'
| 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'
| 'unsafe-url'
| null;
body?: string;
type AuthTokenLifeCycle = 'session' | 'expiry';
Configuration Option | Description | Type |
apiKey | Associate an API key with the connection, which you can generate via the dashboard. To create an API key, first register for a free account. While API keys allow connection to Relaybox services, using authentication tokens is advisable for enhanced security. | string |
clientId | Include a clientId to associate an identity with the connection. You must provide a clientId for the connection to participate in a room's presence set. | string or number |
authEndpoint | Specify the URL of the endpoint that the client should call to obtain an authentication token, enabling connection to your application. For example, use /user/auth. This endpoint is tasked with issuing a signed token, which is generated using the @relaybox/rest library. | string |
authAction | Specify a server action that returns a token response. Aimed at NextJS integrations using App Router server actions. Send additional data as an optional argument using the authParams option. The server action is tasked with issuing a signed token, which is generated using the @relaybox/rest library. | string |
authParams | Used in conjunction with the authEndpoint or authActionto send additional data with the authentication token request through URL query parameters or function arguments. For example, /auth/user?id=123. The value can be either an object or a function that returns an object. | object or function returning object |
authHeaders (conditional) | This is used alongside the authEndpoint to include additional data within the request headers when obtaining an authentication token response. | object or function returning object |
authRequestOptions | Options for the JavaScript Fetch API that are sent along with the authentication token request. | JS Fetch API compatible object |
region | Specify the closest geographical region to your location. When set, the connection will enter the network through this designated edge entry point. | string |
authTokenLifeCycle | When set to 'expiry', the token will be refreshed upon expiration, and the connection will be re-established with the new token. When set to 'session', the authentication token will remain valid for the duration of the session and will only be refreshed upon establishing a new connection if the token has expired. | 'session' | 'expiry' |
offline | RelayBox Offline configuration options. | object |
offline.enabled | Set to true to connect to the offline emulator. | boolean |
offline.port | Offline port override if you are using a custom port | number |
offline.uwsServiceUrl | Overide the uws service url. | string |
offline.authServiceUrl | Overide the auth service url. | string |
To connect to RelayBox services, you need to import the base class into your scripts as follows:
// esm
import RelayBox from '@relaybox/client';
// commonJs
const RelayBox = require('@relaybox/client');
Connection Events
To assist with managing the connection lifecycle, several connection events are available to attach listeners to.
enum SocketEvent {
CONNECT = 'connect',
DISCONNECT = 'disconnect',
ERROR = 'error',
CONNECT_FAILED = 'connect_failed',
RECONNECTING = 'reconnecting',
RECONNECTED = 'reconnected',
RECONNECT_FAILED = 'reconnect_failed'
Event Name | Description |
connect | Emitted when a connction moves to a connected state. This could be following an initial connection or reconection event. |
disconnect | Emitted when a connection moves to a disconnected state. This could be intentional or following a network event. The connection will attempt to reconnect using an exponential backoff for a maximum of 10 retries. |
error | Emitted when a connection error is received. |
connect_failed | Emitted in the event a connection is unable to be established. |
reconnecting | Emitted when a connection moves to a reconnecting state following a disconnection event. |
reconnected | Emitted following a sucessful reconnection. |
reconnect_failed | Emitted after reconection attempts is equal to maximum numebr of retries |
Asynchronous function to invoke a connection to RelayBox real-time services.
// Promise<void>
await relayBox.connect();